AmigaOS3.5 (418/967)

From:Michael M. Rye
Date:15 May 2000 at 00:00:26
Subject:Re: Windows unpacker?

"Shinda " <> wrote:
> --- In, "tesla" <tesla@c...> wrote:
> > I am looking for a unpacker that can be run from windoz.
> > Hopefully, it will unpack all of the common files, such as
> > lzx, lha, etc. The reason why I want to do it this way, is
> > because I am d/l files off of aminet using my pc, as I
> > don't have my amiga setup to access the internet yet, and
> > I would like to unpack files before I transfer them to
> > the amiga.
> Your best bet is winzip, although it uses a dos program for the lha
> archives(no lzx support) and so does not support long file names. It
> really is better to un archive it on the amiga. If you want to look
> at the files on the pc use winzip but long file name support is
> limited.

Actually, if you're looking for a CLI solution, you can use
InfoZIP on both WinDOHS machines and on Amiga machines. I think
executable programs for InfoZIP on the Amiga can be found on
Aminet in util/arc. It used to have a dedicated website, but
I can't seem to find it any more. You may be able to come up
with it from a search engine.

| Michael M Rye |Micronik Infinitiv A1200 Tower, Zorro II Backplane|
|UNIX/DBA/C/HTML/Java| Blizzard 1240-40 MHz, 42 Meg RAM, 2.2 Gig HD |
| Team AMIGA | Blizzard 1230 SCSI, Surf Squirrel, Supra 56e |
|====================| NEC 16X SCSI-II CD-ROM, Seagate TapeStor 8000 |
| | This space intentionally left blank. |

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